Monitoring of domestic and international energy legislation and an overview of information on development in energetics across Europe are available for everyone interested.
Individual approach / Professionalism / Scope
IMAZ, ltd. – energy management specialist
Always one step ahead
Save with green energy
Enough has already been said about energy as the backbone of every economic area. However, little is said about the problems of doing business in this sector. The economic interests of the state, or rather lobby groups, intersect with the interests of large multinational corporations, manufacturers, suppliers, traders and customers. The business environment in the energy sector is wrapped in a web of legislation, the unconditional application of which, often under the threat of liquidation sanctions, is required by all levels of state and local administration in the form of a number of legal and secondary obligations.
Our services
We will find a way to help you
We are exceptional in that we take on our advice and recommendations. Our cooperation will definitely be beneficial for you. You will find that we are on the pulse of energy. Therefore, if you do not want to be unpleasantly surprised by the frequent changes in this area, follow us.
Why us?
With us, you will no longer have to deal with seemingly insignificant tasks for you, but ultimately all the more urgent tasks that lie in wait for you from all sides.
Individual approach
For us: What a client – it’s a special case. We do not use templates to solve it. We will manage it exactly according to your possibilities and needs. It will fit you like a tailor-made suit.
We have energy at our fingertips – from households to megaprojects. The results speak for our expertise, creativity, diligence and seriousness. We don’t care how you label us.
We thoroughly know the energy and water situation in each region. We do not sit in offices, but work in the field. We are at home all over Slovakia.
Energy management
Our offer of reliable and correct energy management applies to all energy consumers, regardless of their area of operation.
From our blog

Už platíme viac
Či sa nám to páči či nie, od 1. januára platíme za energie viac. Je to spôsobené nárastom cien komodít na burzách, ale… Naozaj bolo zvyšovanie cien energií nevyhnutné? Na čo všetko z vlastnej peňaženky prispievame? A dokedy? Aj na tieto otázky pre appDay.tv odpovedal bývalý riaditeľ Úradu pre reguláciu sieťových odvetví Jozef Holjenčík. viac