Industrial customers

Industrial customers

  • an energy audit and proposals of solutions arising from it,
  • consulting on entering into contracts with service providers in network industries (distributors, suppliers, etc.),
  • consulting on switching an electricity and gas supplier,
  • identifying the most appropriate small distribution system (SDS) model, contractual relationships with customers and vendors within the SDS and other market stakeholders (e.g. with a superior distribution system),
  • monitoring of obligations arising from energy laws,
  • exercise of own rights and claims against the state and other entities in the energy market,
  • drafting of supporting documents for price proceedings for all market stakeholders in electricity, gas, heat and water management industries,
  • heat and hot water calculation – cost verification,
  • education of staff responsible for efficiency, consumption and reporting,
  • determining the business market value,
  • special expert activities (accidents, work injuries, damage, court proceedings, etc.),
  • determination of the value of damage to buildings, objects, vehicles, etc. (failures, accidents, violent damage to objects, etc.),
  • determining the causes of an accident, appropriateness of security measures, breaches of rules of the Safety and Protection of Health at Work,
  • analysing of cases of economic crime, such as assessing the damage caused by illegal collection of electricity, natural gas, water, etc.

Energetický manažment

Naša ponuka spoľahlivého a korektného energetického manažérstva platí pre všetkých odberateľov energie bez ohľadu na oblasť ich pôsobenia.