Regulated entities under the Law No. 250/2012 Coll. on Regulation in the Network Industries

Regulated entities under the Law No. 250/2012 Coll. on Regulation in the Network Industries

  • drafting of supporting documents and cooperation in communication with public authorities, especially in energy legislation, all other activities listed in the services for customers of a different type,
  • production of an expert opinion under the Article 4 Section 3 Letter c) of the Act No. 309/2009 Coll. on the Promotion of Renewable Energy Sources and High Efficiency Cogeneration as amended should a beneficiary of a subsidy require that a regulated entity provide a single-pole electricity transfer support scheme and verify the correctness of the measurement of the produced electricity at the terminals of the power generation facility by an energy expert.

Energetický manažment

Naša ponuka spoľahlivého a korektného energetického manažérstva platí pre všetkých odberateľov energie bez ohľadu na oblasť ich pôsobenia.